Tuesday had a few new adventures. Still using my Canon 6D for many of these photos. It has really helped remind me how much I like using that camera. The whole reason why I saved so I could buy it in the first place. So far the family is still ok with all of my picture taking. I may or may not be...

Here we go. WAKE UP: 4:40am for a 30 minute walk. The light in the morning is so nice. This is a new routine trying to get up each week day morning. Thinking about running another half marathon. Super excited to be documenting my Week in the Life™ along with Ali Edwards. According to this...

And there it is, three photos to end the week. So glad I did it, so glad I completed, so glad it's documented. We said goodbye to Rambo. We'll see him again in a couple of weeks. The sunset was amazing on the way to the grocery store. All kinds of vegetables in the cart for the week....

The photos are getting less and less... I mean a lot less. I'm stretching the few I took on Saturday to add in this post. But, they are all a part of my day so document I will. I love waking early on Saturday (and Sunday) to hop on the computer to be creative. That means reading blog posts...

I'm on the home stretch. Fewer photos each day but I'm still amazed at how many I am taking. Went out to one of our branches and both Andrew and I were on the same conference call. [sad, bad photo] I'll say it again, there are way more Starbucks' photos than typical this...

I did it! I tracked each hour today. What I didn't do is get a photo every hour. It was a great exercise to really see where my time goes. One thing missing from each of my mornings is a 5am walk. I took a break this week, not really sure why. 5:53am - woke up - I could tell it had rained over...

Hello Wednesday. Here we go. Cereal again for breakfast. They don't venture out much and when I have bought other boxes on request they go uneaten. Krave and Cinnamon Toast Crunch for the win. Daily on the way to camp selfie. Yeah dad is with us this morning. Because it's...

Here we are at Tuesday. Thought I captured a few different items today and bit more details about our life. Starting to think about using a prompt for a couple of days. Also planning on capturing an hour by hour look at my day on Thursday. Wish me luck. Eating breakfast. Krave for Ben and...

So glad to be embarking on Ali Edwards | Week in the Life project. I attempted this last year and got through a couple days but my system fell apart and couldn't pull it back together. I'm inspired to capture our week because the boys are growing so fast and I want to document our routines and...
Have I mentioned that I love baseball?