
Weekend part 1

This is extended weekend post. Our nephew got married this weekend which brought lots of family to town and a short get away to Victoria, Canada. We had a great visit to Butchart Gardens with amazing weather.

Two ferry rids, two swimming pools, lots of yummy food and a much needed relaxing visit with family. See some of our adventures below.

Nicholas found a caterpillar which he named, Kyler. It took some convincing that we couldn’t take Kyler home and he needed to stay with “his” family. Rest assured Kyler is happy in his shaded garden.

Butchart Gardens, had a great chess set. The king weighed 50 pounds. It was a workout and a chess match. The boys reset the game and were worn out by the weight of the pieces so we moved on.

Andrew and I visited Butchart Gardens about 11 years ago during the Christmas time so it was nice to see everything in bloom with the exception of the rose garden.  All the gardens were lush and green making me love the Pacific Northwest even more. No complaints about rain from me.

Here are a few pictures of our trip, ok a lot of pictures.


Part 2 coming soon with a brief look at the wedding we attended. So much fun and a lot of dancing.

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